UConn Students Speak Out: Survey Reveals Academic Focus, Housing Desires, and Future Priorities

UConn Students Speak Out: Survey Reveals Academic Focus, Housing Desires, and Future Priorities

: Shaping UConn’s Future

Insights from a recent student survey are guiding UConn’s strategic plan for the next decade. The survey, a key component in the university’s planning process, reflects student sentiments on academic priorities and campus life improvements.

Students’ Voice in the Spotlight

President Radenka Maric and the strategic planning team have actively sought student input through surveys, forums, and discussions. The focus is not only on academic success but also on enhancing the overall student experience.

Campus Life Priorities Unveiled

From academic support to housing preferences, the survey delves into what matters most to UConn students. Discover the top priorities that emerged, shaping the university’s strategies for the years to come.

Content: In a recent survey capturing the pulse of UConn’s student body, a clear consensus has emerged regarding the university’s future priorities and areas needing improvement. This survey, a vital tool in shaping UConn’s strategic plan, engaged more than a third of undergraduate students across all campuses.

Academic Emphasis and Student Voice: President Radenka Maric initiated the strategic planning process this year, emphasizing the importance of student input. The survey, conducted over five days in September, revealed that students overwhelmingly want the university to focus its resources on academic support and advising. The top three priorities across all campuses were consistent: academic support, academic advising, and mental health services.

Campus Life Enhancements:

Beyond academics, the survey explored students’ desires for improved campus life. More than half of the respondents identified on-campus housing options as their top priority for an enhanced campus experience. Desirable on-campus housing emerged as the leading choice, emphasizing its importance for students across all campuses.

Strategic Planning Process:

The strategic visioning process, facilitated by a steering committee, is actively seeking input from students, staff, and other stakeholders. The goal is to shape UConn’s priorities over the next decade, addressing academic success, research impact, economic development, and effective initiative implementation.


The survey’s success, with an impressive overall response rate of 35.5%, was boosted by various engagement strategies. Faculty played a role by scheduling time for students to complete the questionnaire during classes. Random drawings for UConn basketball tickets added incentive, and reminders were strategically placed across campus.


Student-Centric Approach:

Provost Anne D’Alleva highlighted the importance of the survey in driving priorities forward. The student-centric approach aims to capture diverse voices, ensuring that traditionally underrepresented populations are heard.

As UConn gears up for its strategic plan presentation in 2024, the survey outcomes provide invaluable insights into the aspirations and concerns of the university’s vibrant student community. The data will not only shape academic priorities but also guide improvements in campus life, creating a more enriching experience for current and future Huskies.

Top of Form

Q1: What were the key findings of the recent UConn student survey regarding academic priorities?

A1: The survey highlighted that UConn students overwhelmingly prioritize academic support and advising. These emerged as the top concerns, reflecting a collective desire for enhanced academic resources.

Q2: How did students rank the allocation of revenue from tuition and fees, and what were the top priorities?

A2: When asked about the focus of university revenue, students consistently ranked academic support as the top priority, followed by academic advising, mental health services, initiatives for diversity and inclusion, and physical/medical services.

Q3: What were the preferences and priorities related to campus life beyond academics?

A3: More than half of the respondents expressed a strong desire for desirable on-campus housing, emphasizing its importance for an improved campus experience. Other priorities included student activities, training and career services, off-campus housing options, and financial literacy skills.

Q4: How did UConn ensure inclusivity in gathering survey responses, especially from underrepresented populations?

A4: The university employed various engagement strategies, including scheduling survey time during classes facilitated by faculty, random drawings for incentives like basketball tickets, and strategic reminders across campus. Specific outreach efforts were made to include voices from traditionally underrepresented populations.

Q5: What role does the student survey play in shaping UConn’s strategic plan, and how will the insights drive future priorities?

A5: The survey is a crucial component in the strategic planning process, actively seeking input from students, staff, and stakeholders. The data gathered will inform UConn’s priorities over the next decade, addressing academic success, research impact, economic development, and effective initiative implementation.

Q6: Were there any surprises or notable trends in the survey responses that stand out?

A6: While academic priorities such as support and advising were consistently high, the strong emphasis on desirable on-campus housing as a top priority for campus life beyond academics stood out. This insight could influence future planning and resource allocation.

Q7: How does UConn plan to incorporate the survey results into actionable strategies for the university’s future?

A7: The survey results will be instrumental in shaping UConn’s strategic plan, which is set to be presented in draft form to the Board of Trustees. The university aims to use the insights to drive priorities, ensuring a student-centric and inclusive approach to future planning

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